This research was carried out in " El Pacifico" farm, KiUoalpa sector, in Lamas district and provínce, San Martín's regíon, located in 06° 20' 15''south latitude, 75° 3Cr 5" west longítude and 814 m.a.s.l., wíth the aim of evaluate and compare the effect of vegeta.bles e:xtracts looking for control of Stemphylíum so!aní whích causes gray ieaf spot of tomate in experimental plot , using extracts vegetables · such as Lonchoc.arpus nioou, Averrhoa c.arambola, Jacaranda copaia and Chenopodíum ambrosíoídas, with doses of 20 aná 40ml/I of water; the applícation of the extracts were rnade at an íntervais of 1 O days per 4 times, beginníng at 22 days after traspJanting, the evaiuations were made in the middfe and upper part of the p!ant, it consist...
The paper titled Characteristics and Biocidal Effects of plant products for the control of Pseudoper...
Agriculture currently requires alternatives to the use of pesticides to control plant pathogens, suc...
La utilización de plantas con propiedades biocidas es un instrumento tecnológico importante dentro d...
The present investigation work was carried out in order to evaluate and to compare the effectiveness...
In order to determine the optimal dese of barbasco aqueous implementation extract (1:1), for control...
In an experiment carried out in a soil Ultisol of frank texture, located in the district of Cacatach...
The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of six plant extracts in the control of downy mild...
En la investigación se determinó el efecto de 03 extractos vegetales, nim (Azadirachta indica A. Jus...
This research was conducted in environments URKU Studies Amazónicos, in order to seek alternative so...
The present review compiles sorne reported cases in scientific papers about biological activity of p...
Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del barbasco (Lonchocarpus utilis) en el control de Hypsipyla g...
El tratamiento de semillas de soya (Glycine max) está orientado a controlar los agentes que ocasiona...
The research with the aim of isolating biotypes of Trichoderma sp from different places and assess t...
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc., es el agente causal de la antracnosis, una enf...
The present experiment was carried out in the field of a caficultor in the smallest Populated Center...
The paper titled Characteristics and Biocidal Effects of plant products for the control of Pseudoper...
Agriculture currently requires alternatives to the use of pesticides to control plant pathogens, suc...
La utilización de plantas con propiedades biocidas es un instrumento tecnológico importante dentro d...
The present investigation work was carried out in order to evaluate and to compare the effectiveness...
In order to determine the optimal dese of barbasco aqueous implementation extract (1:1), for control...
In an experiment carried out in a soil Ultisol of frank texture, located in the district of Cacatach...
The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of six plant extracts in the control of downy mild...
En la investigación se determinó el efecto de 03 extractos vegetales, nim (Azadirachta indica A. Jus...
This research was conducted in environments URKU Studies Amazónicos, in order to seek alternative so...
The present review compiles sorne reported cases in scientific papers about biological activity of p...
Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del barbasco (Lonchocarpus utilis) en el control de Hypsipyla g...
El tratamiento de semillas de soya (Glycine max) está orientado a controlar los agentes que ocasiona...
The research with the aim of isolating biotypes of Trichoderma sp from different places and assess t...
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc., es el agente causal de la antracnosis, una enf...
The present experiment was carried out in the field of a caficultor in the smallest Populated Center...
The paper titled Characteristics and Biocidal Effects of plant products for the control of Pseudoper...
Agriculture currently requires alternatives to the use of pesticides to control plant pathogens, suc...
La utilización de plantas con propiedades biocidas es un instrumento tecnológico importante dentro d...